Learning Center

Welcome & Quick Start

1.  Choose an audience you wish to serve.

2.  Decide what to do: make them smile, educate them, show them a product.

3.  Create a Survey Header- the parent of a survey.

4.  Create survey questions under the Header.

5.  Launch the survey- choosing specific configurations we’ll walk you through.

6.  Share the link- so people click, smile, learn, or buy a product.

7.  Review analytics to see how people responded.

8.  Review: Did their smiling, becoming educated, or seeing the product sell an idea or product and help your brand?

If (yes) then double-down and do it again!

If (no) share it to a better audience or tweak the survey and relaunch it.

Iterate on this, repeating the steps, until you are showing the right stuff to the right people! You win, when they win.
 Product Deep Dive 

What follows is a description of the product screens and how they're related.
The Surveys Dashboard shows those created or under construction.

The Analytics Dashboard shows those you've launched.

The Survey Header contains the title, description, and an optional image or video link.

The Survey QnA Dashboard displays all the questions and answers within a given survey and provides links to create, edit, and order them.

The Survey QnA or question and answer exists under the header. A survey may have up to 64 QnA items.

Launching a survey is a three step process. A Launched Survey is a full, independent copy of a Survey Header and all its QnA items packaged and configured (by you) and behaves as a mini, stand alone website.

The three steps are:   Survey Launch Confirmation ,   Survey Launch - Chart & Search Optimization ,  and the Survey Launch - Last Link Logic.

And one of the best features is the Survey Dashboard Analytics page. This page displays a link for you to test your live survey, a link to generate a QR code for it, cool response charts for each question, offers one-click CSV file exports of data you collect, and additional charts showing responses over time, respondent session header data, and more.

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